Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dinosaur Cake!

Once, a friend and I had a discussion about dinosaurs and came to the conclusion[..]

Pororo & Friends

If you’re interested in Korean culture, and I mean modern culture, or you watch dramas[..]

Tiffany Box Ring Cake!

How’s your weekend goes peeps? Hope you guys had tons of fun!! You know, wherever[..]

3D Golden Soccer Boots!

“Pernah nampak kasut melayang masuk dalam mulut?” I used to tease my friends with that[..]

60th Birthday Cake

Hello beautiful people! It’s  Thursday again and I can’t wait for the weekends. So here,[..]

When Ariel Went For Implant!

Yup.. You read it right! Hahaha.. So this is how Ariel the Mermaid will look[..]

Pony + Unicorn = ‘PonyCorn’ cake?!

Happy National Day Everyone!! Yes.. It’s Singapore 51st Birthday and Jade 5th Birthday!! Happy Birthday!![..]

Harry Potter Fan Cake!!

Well.. Well.. Well.. What do we have here?! I lurveeee Harry Potter! Especially when you[..]

60th Birthday Cake!

BLING! BLING!! Yay!! Nenek Soliah turns 60! Alhamdulillah.. You’ve seen or experienced a lot of[..]

All Sports Cake!!

Heyyyy peeps!!! It’s Saturday and look what we have here!! It’s an all kind of[..]